
Country Approach

The uninterrupted supply of antiretrovirals (ARVs) and HIV rapid test kits is key to realizing health outcomes and targets of the government of the Republic of Namibia. The National Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS Response in Namibia targets 95 percent antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage by the end of 2017 from the current 68 percent.

With funding from the President’s Emergency Fund for Aids Relief (PEPFAR), the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project in Namibia aims to support the government’s goals as well as key PEPFAR initiatives under the 2016 Treatment Acceleration Plan (TAP). TAP seeks to achieve epidemic control by scaling up HIV treatment in specific priority regions and urban hotspots in the country where the burden of the HIV epidemic and the unmet need for ARV treatment are highest. These priority regions include Kavango, Khomas, Ohangwena, Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto, and Zambezi. Urban hotspots include Gobabis, Grootfontein, Keetmanshoop, Luderitz, Okahandja, Otjiwarongo, Swakopmund, and Walvis Bay.  

Namibia also seeks to be the first country in the region to eliminate mother-to child-transmission of HIV.  

GHSC-PSM will focus activities on targeted technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Social Services on Central Medical Store (CMS) reform in such areas as warehousing, transportation, procurement, and financing, while leveraging such partners as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for maximum impact.

Key Activities

Key activities in Namibia include:


  • Support key Ministry of Health and Social Services initiatives, including revising ARV and rapid test kit forecasts to accommodate the 90-90-90 strategy and differentiated models of care; analyzing the potential for outsourcing the CMS transportation function to the private sector; leveraging global/regional pooled procurement mechanisms and direct contracting with manufacturers; and conducting a labor market assessment of pharmacy cadres to inform recruitment and retention policies
  • Support CMS in streamlining internal procurement cycle activities, from tender process management to requisition planning and contract management; leveraging the ministry's pharmaceutical information dashboard to improve forecasting and supply planning for HIV commodities and related pharmaceuticals and clinical supplies; and planning and scheduling staggered deliveries to make optimal use of limited storage space
  • Collaborate with the USAID Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceutical and Services program to promote analysis and use of data for decision-making at the central and regional levels
Strategic Engagement

GHSC-PSM aims to improve coordination and collaboration among the Ministry of Health and Social Services, PEPFAR, Global Fund, and other partners in supply chain technical assistance.

Success Stories

Lesotho and Namibia were announced recently as two of six African countries that have achieved HIV epidemic control. According to the findings, these two countries had high levels of viral suppression and retention in care, indicating effective treatment programs that reduce infection rates and…
Between July 20 and August 7, the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project in collaboration with the Division of Pharmaceutical Services (Div:PhSs) in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) in Namibia held a training on managing…
Namibia’s Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) began implementing social distancing and quarantine requirements on March 27, 2020 to combat the COVID-19 epidemic. To ensure availability of antiretroviral medicines (ARVs) for people living with HIV/AIDS during the quarantine, the USAID…