Burkina Faso

Country Approach
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The increased availability of rapid diagnostic tests, artemisinin-based combination therapy, and other malaria commodities has helped to improve malaria case management in Burkina Faso’s health facilities. For example, the malaria case fatality rate for children under 5 years has decreased significantly, from 3.3 percent in 2010 to 1.9 percent in 2015.

The overall vision of the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project in Burkina Faso is to continue this progress by:

  • Strengthening the reliability and sustainability of the public health supply chain
  • Ensuring the availability of malaria commodities to beneficiaries who need them
  • Significantly reducing the malaria morbidity and mortality rate

Our work will support the Ministry of Health (MOH) in implementing its integrated logistics management information system (LMIS), increase data visibility for decision-making, and anticipate potential stockouts through accurate forecasting and supply planning. Activities are designed to move from providing traditional technical support at the supply chain central level to providing support at the peripheral level, with more emphasis on service delivery points.

Key Commodities
  • artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs)
  • artesunate injectable
  • long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs)
  • malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)
  • sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine/amodiaquine (SP/AQ)
Activity Highlights
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Key activities in Burkina Faso include:

  • Work with the Pharmacy Department to evaluate the 2012–2016 national pharmaceutical strategic plan and to develop the 2017–2021 plan
  • Assess district and hospital storage conditions and develop storage guidelines
  • Support implementation of integrated LMIS standard operating procedures for a national integrated supply chain 
  • Improve warehouse operations at the Procurement Center of Essential and Generic Drugs (CAMEG) and facilitate full integration of U.S. government-funded malaria commodities into the CAMEG system
  • Support the national health information system by orienting the National Malaria Control Program and General Division of Pharmacy, Medicine and Laboratories on the National Health Information System database and conducting monitoring visits to districts with stock management challenges
Strategic Engagement
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Along with the MOH, the project team is collaborating with other partner organizations, such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Expertise France, and Initiative 5% to raise the bar for best-in-class supply chain and service performance in Burkina Faso.

Success Stories

The services that health facilities provide depend on a consistent supply of medicines, equipment and other medical commodities, which can only be possible through effective supply chains, logistics management, and information exchange. By increasing accuracy of and access to supply chain and…
In September, GHSC-PSM supported Mozambique’s National Institute of Health (INS) and other partners to launch the Emergency Supply Chain Playbook, a tool that aims to help countries effectively prepare for and respond to pandemic threats and other public health emergencies. Several countries have…
Collaboration is one hallmark of a successful development project. It allows for capacity building, knowledge sharing, and improved efficiency in activity implementation. For the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project, the End Use Verification…
