Team Completes Landscape Analysis of Supply Chain UAVs

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Working with GLOBHE, the project team recently completed an in-depth landscape analysis of the various actors, objectives, and lessons learned from use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the development context. The analysis included six key case studies of UAVs used in health supply chains in Madagascar, Malawi, the Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, and Sweden to highlight successes, challenges, and recurring themes across this developing sector.

Staff analyzed the three different types of UAVs (fixed wing, multi-rotor, and hybrid) to evaluate comparative advantages and disadvantages. Analysis authors also compiled the current laws and regulations regarding UAVs in PEPFAR countries as well as a list of available UAV models and humanitarian UAV projects to date.

Staff are working with USAID to identify GHSC-PSM countries to further evaluate for potential UAV pilots.