GHSC-PSM Solicitation AE RDC AUDIT 2024-001


The Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project (alternately referred to herein as “Chemonics” or “GHSC-PSM” or “Buyer”) is seeking proposals from qualified and eligible offerors to acquire warehouse stock count and inventory audit services in Dubai, U.A.E. described herein. The GHSC-PSM project aims to schedule the initial stock count in/or around November of 2024.

This procurement will be conducted in accordance with Part 15 (Contracting by Negotiations) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Chemonics/GHSC-PSM will select the proposal(s) that demonstrates the technical understanding required to achieve the objectives at the most reasonable cost to Chemonics. Offerors are requested to submit proposals that are both realistic and reasonable for this effort. Please also pay careful attention to all Annexes and other attachments. All submitted proposals must be signed by an authorized official. Proposals received after the closing date and time will be processed as late and handled in accordance with FAR 15.208 at Chemonics’s discretion. All documents submitted with the quotation must be signed by the bidding company’s authorized representative and submitted in PDF format. Pricing information must be included in the proposal as a separate attachment. The subject field of the submission via email must read: “Solicitation No. [AE RDC AUDIT 2024-001]”.

Questions or requests regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this solicitation shall be submitted via email to: Questions should be submitted no than Friday, July 19, 2024. Solicitations can be submitted until Friday, August 2, 2024, at 5:00PM EST.

AE RDC AUDIT 2024-001

Annex 1 - Dubai Stock Count Subcontract Draft

Annex 2 - Required Representations and Certifications

Annex 3 - Offer Cover Letter Template

Annex 4 - Sample Inventory Report Samples and Formatting

Annex 5 - International Wire Transfer

Clarification 01 to RFQ AE RDC AUDIT 2024-001

Clarification 02 to RFQ AE RDC AUDIT 2024-001